Wednesday, 31 December 2008

Recommendation of some worth.

Dear friend,
I earlier taught there would be no reason to write again this year but, i have decided to make reference to a few blogs that i think you need to go through as we end 2008 or even as we start 2009.
The writers of these blogs(sites) are people i trust as well as hold in high esteem.
People i would call a gift to our present day generation just like you are. From these blogs, i have read mind blowing write ups and great testimonies which you will find interesting as well as learn and derive knowledge from.

In no particular order these blogs(sites) are;




..Just to mention a few.

From these blogs(site) you will get inspirations, knowledge, information and then get motivated. I recommend you to these blogs basically because i don't believe in re-inventing the wheel.... maybe in the nearest future similar topic might be discussed from a different perspective but for now lets read from the blogs above.

I recommend them to you as we start 2009.

All the best.

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