Monday, 9 November 2009

Achievements !!

Its right about the time of the year when we need to start taking stocks of how far we have gone.

I tell you this is not the time to start calling regrets nor pointing fingers. Am sure at the beginning of the year we all set out some goals to achieve with regards our career. I remember we discussed about doing some professional exam or probably learning something new at your place of work or probably changing career path.

If you did write them down and did not do anything with it then you only had a dream and not a vision; For vision without an action is just a mere dream. Its good to dream, but if you are still in dream land, its high time you woke up.

I want to believe we all wrote down these career goals and visions? To those that did lets open them up and start scoring ourselves and striking out those accomplished. Note; there is not class captain or teacher who is watching you. You are your class captain and teacher. Most importantly there is no 1st position. So make sure you do due diligence and don't forget to give yourself a treat were you merit it.

At the same time lets start getting set for the challenges we plan to tackle in 2010. I will like us to know that our careers/jobs are as important as our lives, as that is our Jerusalem; where we are called to be an example. Being a good example on your job or your chosen career will not only encourage younger generation to come but also speak about what you believe-in and who you are.

You success in your career or job gives insight to so many and make so many draw closer to you cause they want to know what you are doing right. This is the impact required of us in this world.

Talk to you some other time.

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