Thursday 22 April 2010

The Grass Is Getting Greener!!!!

Being a long time since my big head has logged in to share some tips an ideas with the little i know about careers, interviews and best ways to sell ourselves via our CV/Resume.

Now I have come to repent and I would share as much as i get to learn on this blog.

May I say at this point that its time to get your CVs revamp if you are in search of a job because the economy has and is still improving, hence recruiters are looking for the very skilled ones. Hence don't get intimidated by the "We are sorry" response in emails and no feedback from recruiters or companies. I tell you solemnly its time to start the search again.

A good book, the Bible makes me to understand that its good to sow every-time as you do not know which would bring your harvest. It also says you should cast your breads on many waters for the reward would come in its season.

In summary, for those looking for greater and better opportunities do not hesitate to intensify the search. And by intensify i mean applying for not less then 25jobs in a day. If you need to know how to search contact me by email on as searching differ with skills and discipline.

Did i hear you say, what if I am not looking for a job cause am happy with the one i have now? My advice to you is that you be more effective at what you doing to the extent you are recommended by your boss. For this season is also the season of appraisals and pay rise.

Note; Kindly do this for the right reasons. Whatever the reasons is to you. e.g promotion, career justification, pay rise ;) [wink] etc.

In my next post letter today i would share with you some Interview piece i stole from a brother of mine who interview is in some days.

Do take care.


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